Waters included in the app:
- Free waters of Hamburg
- Association waters of the DAV Landesverband Berlin e.V - DAV Berlin
- Association waters of the Brandenburg State Fishing Association - LAVB
- Association waters of the state anglers' association Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania e.V. - LAVMV
- Association waters of the Landesanglerverband Thüringen e.V. - LAVT
Fischroute is the app for searching and finding "free waters" in Hamburg and the "DAV / DAFV fishing waters" (association waters) in Berlin, Brandenburg (LAVB) and Mecklenburg Western Pomerania (LAVMV) and Thuringia (LAVT). This app is aimed primarily at anglers who are looking for waters for fishing in the vicinity of Hamburg, Mecklenburg Western Pomerania, Berlin, Brandenburg and Thuringia. Our app contains a list of fishable waters and an interactive fishing map, which the users use as an atlas for orientation.
In the future, we are also planning to gradually enter bodies of water in other federal states and add further features.
In order to guarantee functions such as later commenting or rating the waters, we already require registration with a user name. Another advantage of registration is that if you change your mobile phone or use the future desktop version, your data, such as your favorite waters, will not be lost.
With the latest update, it is now also possible to see the closed seasons and the minimum dimensions of Berlin and Brandenburg, Hamburg, Thuringia and Mecklenburg Western Pomerania in our Angelapp. In addition, our built-in fish list offers you the opportunity to obtain various information about the domestic fish in Germany (Lexicon) - possible fishing methods / fishing methods and the best fishing times are also mentioned.
Now it is also possible to enter your catches in the interactive catch book and also to find out the weather at certain locations! With the help of the filter function you can select and display the different associations. In addition, you can now find more details in the water information and a legend is available on the map.
This app makes fishing in Hamburg, Berlin, Mecklenburg Western Pomerania, Thuringia and Brandenburg, but also long-term fishing in all of Germany as easy as possible. Our motto is:
I go fishing, you go fishing, everybody fishing!
The Hamburg Free Waters are now also displayed with our app. An "open water" can only be fished with a valid fishing license. Since the new fishing law 2019 in Hamburg, all anglers who want to fish in Hamburg's fishing waters have to pay the Hamburg fishing fee. This also applies to anglers from other federal states and for fishing without a fishing license! The fishing tax stamps cost 10 euros for one year and you can get them at the local fishing shops in Hamburg, which are marked yellow in our app.
We wish you a lot of fun and joy with our app.
Good luck and find your fish route now!